Workers Comp

The Importance of DME in Workers Compensation Cases


Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is an essential part of medical care for injured workers. It plays a vital role in the recovery process, enabling individuals to recuperate from their injuries while maintaining their abilities to perform activities of daily living. DME includes a broad range of medical supplies and equipment, such as hospital beds, wheelchairs, canes, walkers, blood sugar monitors, and more, all aimed at providing the necessary support during the healing process​1​.

In many instances, workers’ compensation policies cover the cost of DME. As such, it is a crucial component of medical care for injured workers striving to recover from their injuries or maintain their abilities to perform daily activities. The coverage, however, may vary depending on the specific policy and the nature of the injury involved​.

Despite the fact that the process to secure this equipment can often be complex and subject to reviews and approvals, the role of DME in workers’ compensation cases cannot be overstated. It can enhance the healing process, facilitate recovery from surgical procedures, and be essential for continuous treatment, especially for injured workers with chronic medical conditions​.

For severely disabled individuals, DME can be crucial to assist them in performing activities of daily living. This equipment can allow them to ambulate and perform other activities of daily living, thereby enhancing their independence and quality of life​.

At Bismarck Med, we aim to streamline this process for injured workers, ensuring they receive the necessary equipment promptly. Our goal is to minimize the administrative burden and expedite the recovery process for our clients.

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